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Verizon Up Rewards FAQs

General Information and Membership

  1. What is Verizon Up?

    Verizon Up is the rewards program that gives you rewards you want, including:

    • A Monthly Reward: Choose from gift cards from your favorite brands or Device Dollars to save up toward your next smartphone or tablet
    • Bonus Rewards: Surprises, extras and discounts available throughout the month
    • Super Tickets: Music, sports and entertainment experiences

    And Verizon Up is free to join.

  2. Am I eligible for Verizon Up?

    You're eligible as long as you meet all of the following requirements:

    • Have a smartphone on an active Verizon wireless account in good standing
    • Are on a standard account, (business and prepaid accounts aren't eligible for Verizon Up at this time)
    • Are a resident of the US (excluding the territories of Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands)
    • Have the My Verizon app downloaded on your smartphone
    • Are 18 or over

    See the Verizon Up Terms and Conditions for more details.

  3. How do I enroll in Verizon Up?

    You can enroll in Verizon Up through the My Verizon app.

    Follow the onscreen prompts to complete enrollment.

    Note: Business and prepaid accounts aren't eligible for Verizon Up at this time.

  4. How does Verizon Up work, and what type of rewards can I claim?

    Once you’re enrolled, Verizon Up has different kinds of rewards you can claim through the My Verizon app:

    • Monthly Rewards - These may include Device Dollars toward your next eligible device purchase, discounts on Verizon accessories, gift cards and more. The Account Owner or Account Manager can claim one Monthly Reward each calendar month (starting on the 1st of each month), as long as the account is in good standing.
    • Bonus Rewards - These are member perks, surprise extras and discounts that you can claim anytime, in addition to your Monthly Reward. They're always changing and available to all Verizon Up members.
    • Super Tickets - These are your access to prime sporting events and concerts, new devices and products, and more. They’re first come, first served, and only a limited number of Super Tickets are available. All Verizon Up members on your account can try to claim Super Tickets. Once a Super Ticket is claimed, no one on your account will be able to claim another for 6 months. If you claim a high-value Super Ticket, no one on your account will be able to claim another for 24 months.

    Additional terms and conditions may apply.

  5. Do I get extra Verizon Up rewards if I have Fios?

    If you have an eligible Verizon wireless plan and a Fios® internet plan, and you participate in Mobile + Home Rewards, you'll receive $10/month in Device Dollars. This will be in addition to your other Verizon Up rewards.

  6. Do Verizon Up rewards expire?

    Many Verizon Up rewards have expiration dates, and they vary by reward.

    Please read the reward details carefully before claiming a reward, so you know how long you have to use it.

    Note: If you don't claim a Monthly Reward during a calendar month, you'll be able to claim one the following month.

  7. Are Local Offers available in Verizon Up?

    We're continuously improving our Verizon Up member experiences and listening to your feedback.

    Effective 3/1/20, Local Offers are no longer included in the program. We're making this change so that we can provide the key offers and benefits that you and other customers use and value most.

    We'll continue to offer Verizon discounts and offers, rewards from brands you like each month, and increased access to unique experiences.

Choosing Rewards

  1. How often do Verizon Up reward options change?

    Monthly Rewards refresh with a new selection on the 1st of every month, but they can also change at any time.

    Bonus Rewards and Super Tickets change often.

  2. How do I claim a Verizon Up Monthly Reward or Bonus Reward?

    Only the Account Owner or an Account Manager can claim a Monthly Reward. Any Verizon Up Account Member can claim Bonus Rewards.

    You can claim a reward through the My Verizon app.

    1. Tap a reward you want.
    2. Read the details of the reward, and tap Claim this.

    You've successfully claimed a reward. If you want to use it right away, tap View details and tap Use now. Otherwise, tap Save for later, and your reward will be saved on the Use Rewards tab.

    Note: Rewards can only be claimed through the My Verizon app. They can’t be claimed over the phone, in a Verizon store or online.

  3. Who can claim a Verizon Up reward? Why do I see a lock on a reward?

    All Verizon Up members can claim Bonus Rewards and Super Tickets.

    Only the Account Owner and Account Manager can claim Monthly Rewards. You'll see a lock on Monthly Rewards if you're an Account Member.

    Learn more about Verizon account access roles.

  4. Are Verizon Up rewards transferable?

    No, rewards aren't transferable to another account.

  5. I don't see the Verizon Up reward I wanted. Where did it go?

    Rewards can change at any time.

    If you find a reward you like, claim it as soon as you can. You should also check the details on each reward to make sure you claim and use them in time.

Using Rewards

  1. How do I use a claimed Verizon Up reward?

    You can use a reward you've claimed through the My Verizon app:

    1. Tap Use Rewards at the top of the screen.
    2. Tap the reward you'd like to use.
    3. Follow the redemption instructions for that reward.
    4. Once you've successfully used your reward, tap Mark as used at the bottom of the reward details.
  2. Who can use a Verizon Up reward? Why can't I access some rewards in the Use tab?

    Only the Account Owner and Account Managers can access all reward details from the Use tab.

    Account Members can only access their own Bonus Rewards and Super Tickets.

    If the Use now button is grayed out, then the reward has already been used or you're an Account Member and can't access that reward.

  3. I marked a Verizon Up reward as used. Can I undo this?

    Once a reward is marked as used, you can't undo it.

    However, for some rewards, you may still be able to view the reward details, such as the expiration date, promo code and instructions for how to use it.

    Tap the card to view the details, and see if you can still use the reward.

  4. I've changed my mind and no longer want the reward I chose. Can I change it?

    No, once a reward is claimed, it can't be returned or exchanged.

  5. I tried to use a Verizon Up data reward, but it didn't get added to my account. What should I do?

    After tapping Use now on your data reward, it may take up to 24 hours for the data to appear in your Data hub in My Verizon.

    If you don't see the Bonus Data in your My Verizon account after 24 hours, sign out and sign back in again.

    If the data still doesn't appear in your account, please contact Verizon Up Customer Service at (866) 895-5579.

Super Tickets

  1. How do I claim Verizon Up Super Tickets? How often can I claim Super Tickets?

    All Verizon Up members on your account can try to claim Super Tickets in the My Verizon app:

    1. On the Rewards Center tab, scroll down to the Super Tickets section.
    2. Tap the Super Ticket reward you want to try to claim.
    3. Read the details carefully to make sure you understand what the Super Ticket reward is and when you need to use it.
    4. When the countdown at the top of the screen reaches 0, tap Try to claim.

    Super Tickets are first come, first served, and quantities are limited. If prompted, be sure to complete the claim forms right away (before the timer on the screen reaches 0), or you may lose the Super Tickets.

    Once a Super Ticket reward is claimed, no one on your account will be able to claim another for 6 months. If you claim a high-value Super Ticket, no one on your account will be able to claim another for 24 months.

  2. How do I receive my Verizon Up Super Tickets?

    Timing may vary, but generally you’ll receive a confirmation email within 5 - 7 business days with details about receiving the Super Tickets.

    The way you receive the actual tickets will also vary by event. You could receive a PDF, digital ticket, Will Call ticket, etc.

  3. I thought I claimed Verizon Up Super Tickets, but now they're all claimed. Can I still get them?

    Because Super Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis, it’s important that you fill out the claim forms promptly. A timer will show on the screen, and if you don’t complete the forms before the timer reaches 0, you may lose the Super Tickets.

  4. Can I resell Super Tickets or other Verizon Up rewards I've claimed?

    No, you can't resell, transfer or give away rewards. We may suspend or cancel your Verizon Up membership if you sell a Verizon Up reward

  5. I entered the wrong details when claiming my Verizon Up Super Tickets. What should I do?

    Please call Verizon Up Customer Service at (866) 895-5579.

Device Dollars

  1. What are Verizon Up Device Dollars, and when do Device Dollars expire?

    Device Dollars are rewards that can be used toward the purchase of an eligible device.

    You can save your Device Dollars and accumulate more over time. Each Device Dollar reward expires 24 months from the date you obtained it.

    However, once you decide to use your Device Dollars and tap Get Code, you have 30 days to make your purchase.

  2. What devices can I buy with Verizon Up Device Dollars?

    Device Dollars can be used toward the purchase of a:

    • Smartphone
    • Basic phone
    • Tablet

    You must purchase the device as part of an upgrade on an existing line or an activation of a new line of service. Device Dollars can’t be used to purchase tablets that don’t have their own line on your Verizon account.

    Also the device must be purchased on a device payment plan or at full retail price.

    Note: You have 30 days to complete your purchase after you generate your Device Dollars code.

    Device Dollars must be applied during the checkout process. Device Dollars can’t be used to pay your monthly bill or to purchase connected devices or accessories.

  3. How do I use my Verizon Up Device Dollars?

    You can use your Device Dollars in the My Verizon app:

    1. Tap Use Rewards at the top of the screen.
    2. Tap the Device Dollars reward card.
    3. Tap Get Code.

    You have 30 days to complete your purchase using your code. All the Device Dollars you have when you create this code will be applied to one purchase.

    You can now use your Device Dollars to purchase your device through My Verizon, in a store or over the phone:

    • My Verizon app or website - When you shop in the app or on the website, and you’re purchasing eligible devices, you'll be asked if you'd like to use your Device Dollars. Check the box to apply them to your purchase.
    • In a Verizon store or Authorized Retailer - Ask the sales representative to use your Device Dollars when processing your purchase. At an Authorized Retailer, Device Dollars are applied as a credit to your account within 1 - 2 bill cycles.
    • Over the phone with a sales rep - Provide the code and PIN from the Device Dollar reward card to the sales rep before completing your purchase.

    Device Dollars must be applied at time of purchase.

Additional Questions

  1. Who can I call with questions about my Verizon Up account?

    If you have a question about Verizon Up, you can call Verizon Up Customer Service at (866) 895-5579.

    • Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 8 PM ET
    • Sat - Sun: 8 AM - 6 PM ET
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